martes, 14 de abril de 2009




made this


...and now I'm very tired. 

7 comentarios:

Gedankenlos dijo...

wooow, that looks soooo great! you're real artists!!!

Sieske dijo...

Your life seems so full of beauty. You really made that wall? Keep posting, i keep reading. Besos from the Netherlands.

Rita dijo...

Qué mural tan genial! Y tus amigos están como que guapetones todos, jeje :P

Julia dijo...

Oh that is just fantastic! I wish I could see it closer!

Anónimo dijo...

wooowie..the last pic is quite amazing!!

7am dijo...

Y cuando lo vi ni me imaginaba.

Arlie dijo...

oh eeee! this is beautiful. i just found you... I am going to keep reading!